
futures::join 巨集能夠在等待多個不同的 future 完成的同時,並行執行這些 future。

當執行多個非同步操作時,很容易就寫出簡單的循序 .await

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
async fn get_book_and_music() -> (Book, Music) {
    let book = get_book().await;
    let music = get_music().await;
    (book, music)

However, this will be slower than necessary, since it won't start trying to get_music until after get_book has completed. In some other languages, futures are ambiently run to completion, so two operations can be run concurrently by first calling the each async fn to start the futures, and then awaiting them both:

然而,因為 get_music 不會在 get_book 完成後自動嘗試開始,這將比我們需要的更慢。在部分語言中,futurue 在哪都能執行到完成,所以兩個操作可透過第一次呼叫 async fn 來開始 future,並在之後等待它們兩者。

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// WRONG -- don't do this
async fn get_book_and_music() -> (Book, Music) {
    let book_future = get_book();
    let music_future = get_music();
    (book_future.await, music_future.await)

不過,Rust 的 future 在直接正面地 .await 之前不會做任何事。這代表這兩段程式碼小片段將不會並行執行,而是循序執行 book_futuremusic_future。想正確並行執行兩個 future,請愛用 futures::join!

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use futures::join;

async fn get_book_and_music() -> (Book, Music) {
    let book_fut = get_book();
    let music_fut = get_music();
    join!(book_fut, music_fut)

join! 的返回值是一個帶有每個傳入的 Future 的輸出的元組(tuple)。

The value returned by join! is a tuple containing the output of each Future passed in.


For futures which return Result, consider using try_join! rather than join!. Since join! only completes once all subfutures have completed, it'll continue processing other futures even after one of its subfutures has returned an Err.

若 future 回傳的是 Result,請考慮使用 try_join! 而非 join!。由於 join! 會在所有 subfuture 完成就完成自己,甚至有 subfuture 回傳 Err 時還是會繼續處理其他 future。

join! 不同的事,當任意一個 subfuture 回傳錯誤時,try_join! 就會立刻完成。

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use futures::try_join;

async fn get_book() -> Result<Book, String> { /* ... */ Ok(Book) }
async fn get_music() -> Result<Music, String> { /* ... */ Ok(Music) }

async fn get_book_and_music() -> Result<(Book, Music), String> {
    let book_fut = get_book();
    let music_fut = get_music();
    try_join!(book_fut, music_fut)

請注意,傳入 try_join! 的 future 需要有同樣的錯誤型別。可以考慮使用 futures::future::TryFutureExt.map_err(|e| ...)err_into() 函式來統一這些錯誤型別:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use futures::{

async fn get_book() -> Result<Book, ()> { /* ... */ Ok(Book) }
async fn get_music() -> Result<Music, String> { /* ... */ Ok(Music) }

async fn get_book_and_music() -> Result<(Book, Music), String> {
    let book_fut = get_book().map_err(|()| "Unable to get book".to_string());
    let music_fut = get_music();
    try_join!(book_fut, music_fut)